What are we progressing towards if it's killing us?

Dr. Martina Olbert
2 min readFeb 5, 2021


Once upon a time, there was only one world — the natural world.

Then we’ve civilized our society and created another and completely different world — the simulated reality.

This is where we were proud of all our most recent inventions and gadgets such as brands, products, services, technology, the Internet and all the greatness these things had to offer.

We celebrated progress, but we’ve progressed so much that we lost the connection to what is real and what isn’t.

The Illusion is great for boosting the economy but atrocious for boosting the human spirit, our self-esteem and well-being.

Because what is good for the economy is killing us.

Unless we base the new economy on the human value and human prosperity.

Because if all this great progress isn’t for us and our own well-being then who is it for? And why should we partake in it if it’s hurting us?

We need to put our humanity at the core of all the value that we create.



Dr. Martina Olbert

Humanist, Futurist, Thinker, Speaker, Strategist, and Social scientist. Laying foundations for Humanistic Capitalism using business to drive social change.