Hello Tomas, I enjoyed your pondering on the different concepts of time. And thanks for including Staromestsky orloj as the cover image. I never get tired of looking at it – Prague is my hometown. :)

I wanted to ask you what you meant by this last paragraph:

"To change your life, revitalize, transform and create someone or something new, you must release time as a mad march forward beyond your control, and immerse in time as the pure creativity of which you are composed."

I do understand the first part of it, but how does the immersion into time as creativity look in terms of practical application? How is it different? How is the change/transformation ignited here as opposed to the linear time that is out of our control?

If you could explain that a bit more, that would be wonderful! You're onto something really powerful here.

Dr. Martina Olbert
Dr. Martina Olbert

Written by Dr. Martina Olbert

Humanist, Futurist, Thinker, Speaker, Strategist, and Social scientist. Laying foundations for Humanistic Capitalism using business to drive social change.

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